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Snipersling Easy To Reach Magnet Slingshot Carry Buckle

64 sold

Easy To Reach Magnet Slingshot Carry Buckle

  • Material: ABS, Metal
  • Pulling force:3kg

This new magnet slingshot carry buckle offers you the most convenience way to reach and carry your slingshots while hunting or target practicing. The megnetic force is quit strong, not too much to remove and not easy to fall apart while moving as well. It can also be used on some other EDC items like flashlight, keys, knives.

Package includes

  • Magnet Slingshot Carry Buckle: 1 piece

Designed for the best shooting experience

Snipersling offers a wide range of high-quality slingshots and related accessories in various designs. Our team is made up of slingshot enthusiasts. We source, design, and make the best ones for shooters worldwide.

By shooters, for shooters. We know what shooters need.

Snipersling Team