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Telescopic Magnet Bearings Pickup Tool With LED Light

7 sold

Telescopic Magnet Bearings Pickup Tool With LED Light

  • Full length: 81cm
  • Weight:75g

When you shooting a target or even a target box, bearings might jump out on the floor or you grass garden which is relly annoying to recycle them, with this little magnet pick up tool, you can easily reach them with out bending. It has a LED bean down there, you can turn it on by rotating it a bit, with the light you can get your bearings under the sofa way easier.  

  • Package includes

  • Hand drill screw:  1 pc

Designed for the best shooting experience

Snipersling offers a wide range of high-quality slingshots and related accessories. Our team is made up of slingshot enthusiasts. We’ve tried hundreds of different slingshots and accessories in the Chinese market, finding the best ones for shooters worldwide. We also design and manufacture our own models with the latest ideas.

By shooters, for shooters. We know what shooters need.

——- Snipersling Team